I only see my most recent Call History. Why's that?

An iPhone running iOS 7 or earlier will only store 100 of your most recent calls, but Apple changed this in iOS 8 to where the full call history is now kept on the iPhone (there is no limit in iOS 8). If newer call history is not displaying, then try refreshing the backup by right-clicking on Backup in the left panel and choose to Back Up Now. 

Explorer will only be able to show the call history data that is currently stored on the iPhone, so if you do have an iPhone with iOS 7 or under and need the call history past the most recent 100, it's not going to be possible with iExplorer or any software because that data is no longer stored on the iPhone. Only iOS 8 stores the full history. 
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1 comment
  • I only get the 300 calls....
    There should be more!

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