Ideas, Suggestions, Feature Requests

We're continually improving iExplorer and would love to get your input on what we should add into the app.  To request a feature, post a public question under this topic.
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  • The feature needed is for someone to answer a simple question about an error message. All instructions have been followed. The phone device is recognized by iTunes. Your software is not working.

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  • iExplorer works really well for me. The main thing I see missing is the ability to select all your current iMessages with all contacts and do a date-range export. You currently can only export all messages for all time. (It is possible to select a date range for an individual contacts, though).

    My use case is: every quarter I want to back up my phone and export my iMessages for all users for the last three months in one simple workflow. That would be really helpful. Thanks...

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  • iExplorer works really well for me. The main thing I see missing is the ability to select all your current iMessages with all contacts and do a date-range export. You currently can only export all messages for all time. (It is possible to select a date range for an individual contacts, though).

    My use case is: every quarter I want to back up my phone and export my iMessages for all users for the last three months in one simple workflow. That would be really helpful. Thanks...

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  • Is it possible (without jailbreak) to access files stored in app group shared containers, rather than individual app containers? (Not iCloud files, the local files stored under /var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup.)

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  • why it is not updating ???

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