How to add custom videos to Vine

NOTE: iOS 8.3 made a big change about what folders you can access and write to on an iPhone, iPad, and iPod, so the instructions below will only work on a device that is pre-iOS 8.3 or one that is Jailbroken. The article below explains more about this huge and annoying change that Apple made in iOS 8.3 and all iOS versions since:

​The Apps section isn't showing all of my app folders. Why is that?

Vine has become one of the most popular and entertaining social apps for iPhone and iPad. If you would like to upload an entirely original and custom 6 second video to Vine that you've recorded outside the Vine app, iExplorer makes it really easy. Here's how:

1.) First, make sure the video is exactly 6 seconds and in MP4 format on your computer. You can use our free app Adapter if you need to convert your video or crop/trim it. 

2.) Open Vine app on your device and start recording a full 6 second video of anything by holding your finger until you see the green checkmark. 

3.) Click on the Home button to close Vine and connect your device to your computer.

4.) Open iExplorer, go to the Apps section and open the Vine app folder by double-clicking on it.  

5.) Navigate to Library/Application Support folder and look for a  "current" folder which will have a subfolder named after a series of numbers (i.e. 1392672148.5851).

6.) Inside that folder, there should only be one MP4 file named "cutfile-" followed by a series of numbers such as "1392672149.6779.mp4", and you'll want to tap once on the file which will highlight the file name. 

7.) Copy the file name and then find the MP4 file on your computer and rename it to exactly the same by pasting the file name you just copied.

8.) Drag/drop your custom MP4 video into the Vine/Documents/current/numbers subfolder and choose to Replace the existing one. 

9.) Reopen the Vine app on your device and tap on the green checkmark. You should now see a preview of your custom video instead. (If it crashes the Vine app, just reopen Vine and try to create another video, and you should see your custom video still saved, ready to post.) 

11.) Tap on the Green check button, choose your Share options and tap on Done. 

Troubleshooting Tip: If you don't see the new video in the Documents/current folder, make sure that you left iExplorer closed or your device disconnected when creating the new Vine video. If you started the video while your iPhone or iPad was connected in iExplorer, first try refreshing by right-clicking and choose Refresh. If it still doesn't appear, then you may need need to disconnect/reconnect your device or close/reopen iExplorer to see the new Vine video file.

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